Current collaborative projects
We are currently working with a wide range of London arts and cultural organisations on the following collaborative projects. Projects typically address a number of objectives, from understanding existing and potential audiences, to communications campaigns, community engagement and strategic planning:
Snapshot: Visual Arts >
November 2008 ? ongoing
Following on from Audiences for the Visual Arts - stage 1, this audience analysis and data-sharing programme has now grown to include 24 key visual arts organisations and combines data from over 14,000 interviews, creating an in-depth picture of London's visual arts audience. It has now become one of our core services.
Film London Audience Monitoring and Data Audit >
June 2010 - January 2012
Film London commissioned Audiences London to research audience data collection across a selection of 8 London independent cinemas and make recommendations for future audience data collection, analysis and application.
National Visual Arts Audience Benchmarking Pilot >
January 2011 - March 2012
Audiences London is coordinating with the Turning Point network a national visual arts audience benchmarking project. This is based on the model that Audiences London has established with London galleries and now includes 76 galleries across several regions.
Audiences for Contemporary Dance >
November 2011 - April 2012
ACE funded Audiences London to analyse audience data collected through our Snapshot: Performing Arts partcipants to help understand audiences for contemporaray dance in London, with particular reference to audiences for South Asian contemporary dance.
Reach >
2009 - ongoing
Annual series of professional development workshops for local authority arts teams to support arts engagement across their boroughs. Reach 2012 will specifically look at examples of local museum, libraries and arts services working together in innovative ways.
London Shh... (Small historic houses)
April 2011 - ongoing
Using the Snapshot: Visual Arts model, this audience benchmarking project is helping 7 small historic houses in London to understand their audiences, collaborate and develop their offer.
MLA National Audience Monitoring
June 2010 ? ongoing
Coordination of the collection of attendance figures from 44 museum services across England..
View all our past collaborative projects here.