Audiences London

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In this Section:

Audience Intelligence Projects

Browse the list below for details of projects by Audiences London which involved collecting, understanding and/or using audience intelligence.  Follow the links to find more information and to click through to resources and reports related to the projects.

Understanding Audiences for Festivals and Outdoor Events > 
September 2008 - September 2010

Research amongst festival organisers to establish how they collect and use audience information and what support would enable them to do this more effectively. Consultancy support to five festivals plus production of a series of free toolkits to support festival and outdoor event organisers in obtaining and using audience information.  

Audiences Black Country >
A collaborative project for organisations in Wolverhampton and the Black Country to support development of CRM strategies through a programme of seminars, data profiling and one-to-one surgery sessions. Individual organisation data profiling was also supported bythe development of a region-wide picture of levels of potential and propensity in the population to engage with cultural activity.

Audiences for Contemporary Dance > 
February - October 2006 

Analysis of booking patterns for contemporary dance held within Snapshot London which indicated that touring the same piece of work to different London venues could grow the audience. 


Audiences for Contemporary Dance > 
November 2011 - April 2012
ACE funded Audiences London to analyse audience data collected through ourSnapshot: Performing Arts partcipants to help understand audiences for contemporaray dance in London, with particular reference to audiences for South Asian contemporary dance.  


London Shh... (Small historic houses)
April 2011 - ongoing
Using the Snapshot: Visual Arts model, this audience benchmarking project is helping 7 small historic houses in London to understand their audiences, collaborate and develop their offer.


MLA National Audience Monitoring
June 2010 - ongoing
Coordination of the collection of attendance figures from 44 museum services across England.


Benchmarking Audiences for Orchestral Music in London >
January 2009 - December 2011
Bringing together 8 London-based orchestras and 4 concert venues to identify opportunities for increasing engagement with orchestral music, through a shared understanding of audiences. The project involves sharing and analysis of box office and digital data, as well as the development of a shared and comparative approach to audience monitoring. It will build a knowledge base from which to identify potential areas of audience growth and explore a joint marketing campaign.


Understanding audiences for Visual Arts stage 1 > 
February - August 2008

Research amongst London galleries to establish what audience information they collect, how they use it and how they could be supported to do so more effectively, together with analysing existing audience research data provided by the galleries. The project led to the development of a survey-based equivalent of Snapshot for the visual arts (see Snapshot London: Visual Arts). 


National Visual Arts Audience Benchmarking Pilot > 
January 2011 - March 2012

Audiences London is coordinating with the Turning Point network a national visual arts audience benchmarking project. This is based on the model that Audiences London has established with London galleries and now includes 76 galleries across several regions.


Snapshot: Visual Arts > 
November 2008 - ongoing

Following on from Audiences for the Visual Arts - stage 1, this audience analysis and data-sharing programme has now grown to include 24 key visual arts organisations and combines data from over 14,000 interviews, creating an in-depth picture of London's visual arts audience. It has now become one of our core services.


Outer London Venues Audience Development Support (stage 2) >
June 2010 - September 2011
Investigating how the activity to develop audiences for performing arts venues in outer London locations differs from or is similar to central London locations - and what issues are shared by different outer London venues. The project analysed participants' own box office data and focused on specific areas for potential further joint work.


Film London: Audience Data Collection, analysis and Support Pilot Project > 
January - October 2007

Aiming to improve the way small cinemas and film festivals collect information from and monitor their audiences. The project worked to standardise the information gathered to allow future benchmarking of film festival audiences and analysed and reported on the results. Participants also gained support and advice on good monitoring practice.


Film London Audience Monitoring and Data Audit > 
June 2010 - January 2012
Film London commissioned Audiences London to research audience data collection across a selection of 8 London independent cinemas and make recommendations for future audience data collection, analysis and application.


London Theatre Consortium: Thrive! and A Night Less Ordinary > 
June 2008- September 2010 
Working together to understand infrequent theatre attenders and to create a joint marketing approach to them. The project also included joint marketing under the A Night Less Ordinary scheme. Additional benefits came from improved customer relationship management and innovative use of digital marketing. 


CultureMap London > 
May 2008 -October 2010

Developing an online resource that brought together information about cultural facilities with data about users and audiences, all linked to maps showing London's infrastructure and population. The resulting perspectives feed in to our continuing knowledge about the London arts landscape.