Audiences London

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AL at the AMA Conference 2011

Sarah Boiling, our Deputy CEO, has been transported to Glasgow for this year's annual arts marketers' get together...

To be honest I'm not finding it earth shattering. Maybe I've just been in arts marketing too long, but I'm not hearing anything fundamentally new. Have enjoyed though:


Contextual Gap Diagram

Jerry Yoshitomi's 'contextual gap' which suggests a gap between the increasing diversity of arts product available and decreasing levels of knowledge about art amongst the population - leaving us with a 'risk' gap. He offered suggestions about what we can do to minimise that risk - timings, duration, price, location, context, money back guarantee etc (not new solutions and I can think of orgnisations doing just this - Kings Place for example in their presentation of music performances - but an interesting way to illustrate the challenge).

The importance of understanding the level of risk potential audiences face came up again in Andrew Macintyres presentation of Culture Segments - a good session.

Lots of ideas and resources to help business modelling from Russell Willis Taylor's session, including an interesting new twist on the Ansoff model.

The charmingly camp Matthew Cain from Channel 4 (who I was coincidentally sat next to on the train up and was writing his talk en-route) did a session on the resurgence of arts broadcasting - look out for his forthcoming series 'What makes a masterpiece' originally to be titled 'Science and Art' but 'science' and 'art' apparently two biggest tun off words on tv so  nicely re-titled - food for thought for arts marketers?