Audiences London

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In this Section:

Planning and strategy for audience development

Arro indicating packages and services

For your organisation to be truly audience-focussed in a way that will embed strong relationships with your community, attenders, members and supporters ? all relationships that will become increasingly essential in ensuring long-term sustainability of arts organisations ? requires a level of strategic planning and re-alignment to make sure your audience are at the heart of what you do. Here are a few ways we can help you begin this process:

Snapshot London
Maximise the information locked in your booking database and be part of a larger, London-wide research project. Snapshot London lets you learn more about your own audience data in the London-wide context, allowing you to drawinferences to guide your planning.

Community engagement expert surgery
Utilise our engagement expert to help you explore and articulate what an effective community engagement strategy or plan should look like in your organisation.

Marketing and communications expertise surgery
Spend time with our marketing experts to explore the planning and strategic decisions needed.

Marketing plan surgery series
Receive skilled guidance as you navigate the stages of creating a marketing plan or strategy.

Annual audiences summary report
Bring your Board, colleagues or senior management up to speed on your audience development issues.