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Visitor Insights - Understanding Audiences for Visual Arts

During Summer 2011 The Audience Agency, on behalf of Audiences UK, was commissioned by Arts Council England to devise and test a standard framework for collecting, sharing, and comparing audience data amongst galleries in Turning Point (now CVAN) networks across a number of Pilot English regions.

The following regional Turning Point networks put themselves forward to take part in the pilot:

  • South East
  • South West
  • East
  • East Midlands

Galleries in London were also involved in as part of their on-going participation in Snapshot London: Visual Arts, and a similar project ran in parallel in Wales, delivered by Audiences Wales and funded by Arts Council Wales.

As a piloting project it established how data capture could be sustained by visual arts galleries, and how that data can be used. The data collected across all participating organisations nationally was analysed by Audiences London Plus to create regional and national benchmarking reports.

Sarah Boiling, Deputy Chief Executive of Audiences London Plus, recently shared insights on behaviour, motivations and attitudes of gallery visitors as a result of this research at her Strategic Marketing Workshop at the AMA Conference 2012. You can download her session handout below, or view the full report.


  • Visual Art Audiences - A national pilot study
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