Understanding the potential of the market
London Borough of Camden knew from their Citizen’s Panel and Residents’ surveys that the least satisfied residents in Camden came from lower socio-economic groups. But many residents from these groups were also keen to attend arts activities. Focus group discussions with local residents from these groups helped to identify the key barriers preventing them from attending arts activities and suggested ways to open up the arts to these audiences. The information helped Camden re-shape their communications and arts programming.
The Bush Theatre wanted to understand the potential increase in audience from existing attenders; and the venue's likely ability to penetrate deeper into West London’s theatre-goers especially. We drew from The Bush’s Snapshot data and compared it with other sources such as TGI, Mosaic and ONS figures to identify the size and location of likely audiences within a set drive-time of the venue.
Hampstead Theatre sought to understand better the experiences of first-timers and what might trigger first (and then repeat) visits. We organised focus groups to explore these issues so the Theatre could reinforce its most productive behaviour and marketing.