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Introduction to Mosaic 2009 Groups and Types

From September 2010, Audiences London's Snapshot London benchmarking package has analysed box office and other audience data using the Mosaic 2009 Groups and Types.

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The number of Groups and Types that Mosaic identifies in its population segmentation has expanded, and with that richer insights are now available into such aspects as elderly populations, ethnic minorities and people's use of the internet and technologies.

The attachment below gives a brief overview of the segment names and an outline of who they include. The full wealth of Mosaic segmentation is available to subscribers of Audiences London's package services.


Where next?
If you want to explore Mosaic and other segmentation models in more detail, look out for training events on segmentation, or consider joining Snapshot London or one of our package services such as Mosaic profile and maps for your audience or visitors.


  • Introduction to Mosaic 2009 Groups and Types
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