Audiences London

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Snapshot London Profiling

Put your audience data in context using our Snapshot London benchmarks.

What is it?
Snapshot London is Audiences London data-sharing project for performing and visual arts. We create benchmarks for London and by artform based on data drawn in from over 55 organsiations, broken down by artform. These benchmarks are a powerful tool for the cultural sector as a whole as they indicate common patterns for cultural engagement across the capital.

The basic benchmarks include MOSAIC geo-demographic profiling and audience behaviours including for ticketed organisations booking time, drive-distance and frequency (against ticket income and number of tickets); and for visual arts organisations frequency, demographics, levels of experience and engagement.

What can I use it for?

  • Assessing audience reach in context
  • Identifying potential

For benefits as a participant visit the Snapshot London page.

How does it work?
When we?re providing any other kind of profiling information or catchment area analysis we can put this picture in the context of our Snapshot London benchmarks. This enables you to really pinpoint areas of potential and understand the households in specific geographic areas in terms of levels of cultural engagement and geo-demographics.